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Monitoring of vegetation and wildlife is necessary to evaluate changes in biophysical conditions over time, measure the success of management actions and to inform adaptive management and ongoing measures designed to protect, maintain or enhance natural features and their ecological functions.  

NSE staff have extensive experience and expertise a developing and implementing monitoring programs for a wide range of applications such as monitoring species at risk and their habitats, assessing impacts from development, detecting changes in the condition of natural features to inform management prescriptions, and ensuring development projects conform to policy and regulatory requirements. Services include: 

  • Rare Species & Vegetation Monitoring

  • Fish and Fish Habitat Monitoring

  • Water Quality and Benthic Invertebrate Monitoring

  • Pre-, During- and Post-Construction Site Monitoring

  • Compliance Monitoring

  • Natural Heritage Feature Monitoring

 Projects We've Worked On

  • Monitoring Amphibian Movement at Dallan Subdivision (City of Guelph)

  • Aurora 2B Benthic Invertebrate Monitoring

  • Guidelines for Monitoring Endangered, Threatened and Rare Plants by Volunteers

  • Rare Plant Monitoring Program - Georgian Bay Islands National Park

  • City of Mississauga Natural Areas Survey Annual Updates

  • Point Pelee Forest Bird and Marsh Monitoring Study

  • Credit Valley Riparian Faunal Indicator Study (Credit River Watershed)

  • EMAN Core Monitoring Variables for Tracking Ecosystem Change (Canada-wide)

  • Ecological Integrity Indicators, Point Pelee National Park

  • Monitoring Chapter for Parks Canada’s Natural Resource Management Process Manual

  • Monitoring in Ontario’s Provincial Parks & Protected Areas

  • Torrance Creek Sub-watershed Plan Monitoring Strategy (City of Guelph)

  • Watson Creek Environmental Monitoring (City of Guelph)

  • Ontario Parks Information Management Framework for Inventory and Monitoring


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